In the new issue of digest we are bringing to your attention several news on the operations of oil and gas upstream companies at once. The most attention is attracted to the situation with BurismaHoldings. For a number of years Burisma was one of the most closed companies in Ukraine and recently the news on the company and its owner Nikolay Zlochevskiy took over mass media. The Executive Director of Burisma Holdings Taras Burdeiniy told what is going on in the company now.
Ukrainian companies
Naftogaz lost 100 million UAH due to the theft in Kharkovgorgaz - the Prosecutor’s office
Naftogaz will get compensation for costs to supply gas to militants at the expense of budget funds
Kolomoiskiy took away from the “family” 45% of Ukrnefteburenie
Nadra of Ukraine won by court action from the company
Golden Derrick 24% in Sakhalinskoe field
Ukrgasdobycha’s capacities are under stop threat
Ukrgazvydobuvannya became a hostage to the interests of Privat
Foreign companies
We earn 15-20 USD per thousand cubic meters of gas - BurismaHoldings
Tysagaz got gas inflow at the field in Zakarpattya
The largest petroleum companies consider it necessary to reduce production
Belorusneft is testing new technology to stimulate oil inflow
JKX Oil & Gas was permitted to prolong license for Zaplavskoe gas field for 5 years
Ukraine tries to compensate for the lack of energy by wind energy
On December 4, the State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources will put up for auction 10 oil and gas fields
The government will help to attract investments in “green” energy of Ukraine
Politics and world
Did Denis Fudashkin from the Ministry of Finance decide to make friends with producers?
Gas production in the RF for 10 months decreased by 5.2%, oil production increased by 0.7%
Poland requires Gazprom to reduce gas price
Cheap oil will make Russia poorer by 23 billion USD
China will buy gas from Russia at about 357 USD – OPEC
Oil price can grow in the second half of the next year – the Head of OPEC