Much to our astonishment, in the first half of the year oil and gas industry in Ukraine demonstrated the stable operation despite the difficult political and economic situation. Preliminary data suggests that total gas production in Ukraine for 6 months of 2014 increased by 150 MMCM (1.5%) up to 9.8 BCM. However, the growth was generated by private companies exclusively; its production volumes increased by 350 MMCM (33%) up to 1.43 BCM. More detailed information on the results of the 1st half a year will be presented in the next issue of the digest.
Ukrainian companies
Ukrgazdobycha is planning to produce up to 550 thousand tons
of oil by the end of the year
The situation regarding the well of Ukrnafta was taken under
the emergency control
The Head of Naftogaz wants to dismiss “sick” Katsuba by the end of the month
Ukrgazdobycha is planning to produce 15 BCM of gas in 2014
Most of the fields of Ukrgazdobycha are exhausted by 70-80%
Today the government is taking decision to sell Ukrnafta
Gas production in Ukraine increased by 1.5% for 6 months of 2014
Ukrgazdobycha brought to the Ministry of Energy the summer
investment program worth 5 billion
Foreign companies
Shale conservation
Cub Energy increased hydrocarbon production
in Ukraine in the second quarter of 2014
Nadra of Ukraine relies on investors and loans
Politics and world
The main task of the government is to develop own production
Unbundling*. The second attempt
Romania announced new oil and gas fields on its territory