We are bringing to your attention the latest issue of the oil and gas industry news digest. The main event of the last week was the failure to review Bill No2120 in Verkhovna Rada, it suggested decreasing the rental fee for gas production for private oil and gas companies from today’s 55% to 35%. Unfortunately, the deputies didn’t manage even to include it into agenda; despite it was drafted with a help of deputies from majority including BPP, Samopomich and Radical Party.
Naftogaz declares its inability to finance filling UGS for winter solely
Stavitskiy has managed to keep Sakhalin field
Prokhorenko refused to give out dividends to State from Ukrgasvydobuvannya, according to the source
Ukraine will inject necessary volumes of gas for winter in time – Naftogaz
Lazorko is willing to be a head of Ukrnafta – parliament delegate said
Gazprom charges 26,7 billion dollars of penalty from Naftogaz for shortage of gas
Canada included Gazprom and Transneft in sanctions lists
6755 m deep well was drilled in Belarus
Gazprom declared god standing with transit of gas via Ukraine
Regal Petroleum finished 6 months 2015 with reduced average daily production by 5.8%
Ukraine accumulated nearly 12 BCM of gas in UGS
Ukrtransnafta transferred nearly 410 million UAH of net profit for 2014to the state budget
Gas transit decreased by 21.4% for 6 months 2015, by 11% - in June
Ukraine imported a record volume of liquefied gas in June (INFOGRAPHICS)
Rent skidded to a halt
Fuel and property in the amount of 141.8 million UAH were arrested for six weeks of the special operation “Nefteprodukt-2015”- SFS
The US oil producers suspended a record number of wells over 5 years in the IV quarter
Fatal experiment with rental fee
Russia is not going to discuss with Ukraine gas price for the III quarter
Tymoshenko dislodges tax manumission for gas producers
Gas war with Russia: time is on the side of Ukraine