The main news in oil and gas industry was brought by the State Geological Service revoking more than 40 licenses for oil and gas fields exploration across Ukraine. This is the most upscale review of licenses for the last 10 years. 5 companies suffered as a result of officials’ actions. Another important news is the refusal of Ukraine to buy gas from Russia, which led to one more supply «shut off» by Russians. Also, the issue of EBRD loan for gas purchases in amount of $300 remains unresolved.
Ukrgazvydobuvannya will ask the Cabinet of Ministers to extend the exception to the technical regulation for its gasoline
Oil production fell by 10.5%, gas condensate production - by 6.9% for 10 months of 2015
Gosgeonedra suspended two licenses of Ukrgazdobycha
A loan amounting to 300 million USD from the EBRD “got hung up” due to a misunderstanding with Naftogaz reforming - Vitrenko
Ukrnafta proposed to the government a plan to repay debts of the company
Eni intends to increase investments in Ukraine - Poroshenko
Illegal oil market sector prospers in Ukraine due to imperfect legislation – Shell
Ukraine bought nuclear fuel totaling to 452 million USD for 9 months of 2015
Gosgeonedra suspended licenses for a number of private producers
Acting head of Ukrtransnaftoprodukt Gorbunov will be appointed the head of the company
Ukraine has no plans to buy Russian gas – Demchishin
Naftogaz may draw 200 million USD from IFC to purchase gas from the French Engie
Electricity-saving feature was introduced in the Crimea
The project North Stream-2 finds no support in Europe – expert
Nikolai Boyarkin suspended special permits for Ukrgazdobycha, Regal Petroleum,
PPC and other companies (DOCUMENT)
Russia cut off coal supplies to Ukraine
Ukrgazvydobuvannya will ask the Cabinet of Ministers to extend the exception to the technical regulation for its gasoline
Oil production fell by 10.5%, gas condensate production - by 6.9% for 10 months of 2015
Gosgeonedra suspended two licenses of Ukrgazdobycha
A loan amounting to 300 million USD from the EBRD “got hung up” due to a misunderstanding with Naftogaz reforming - Vitrenko
Ukrnafta proposed to the government a plan to repay debts of the company
Eni intends to increase investments in Ukraine - Poroshenko
Illegal oil market sector prospers in Ukraine due to imperfect legislation – Shell
Ukraine bought nuclear fuel totaling to 452 million USD for 9 months of 2015
Gosgeonedra suspended licenses for a number of private producers
Acting head of Ukrtransnaftoprodukt Gorbunov will be appointed the head of the company
Ukraine has no plans to buy Russian gas – Demchishin
Naftogaz may draw 200 million USD from IFC to purchase gas from the French Engie
Electricity-saving feature was introduced in the Crimea
The project North Stream-2 finds no support in Europe – expert
Nikolai Boyarkin suspended special permits for Ukrgazdobycha, Regal Petroleum,
PPC and other companies (DOCUMENT)
Russia cut off coal supplies to Ukraine