Vadim Chernov moved to Ukraine to find partners for a new project in Lviv region. According to the geologist in the sixth generation on Rava-Ruska ground potential investor may find about 500 million tons of oil.
Being a citizen of Russia in the past, Vadim Chernov has successfully engaged in new experimental methods in geology of oil and gas since 1993. Recently he realized that Russia has become an enemy of his true homeland. By this time Vadim has already stock-piled experience of searching funding for prospective oil investment projects. For several years since 2009 he had been working hard to raise money for a project in Kurgan region of the Russian Federation, but finally he decided to leave Moscow and set for Kiev as soon as he realized that the war is going to last.
According to Vadim similarities between geological structures of Rava-Ruska land and Kurgan site have been visible for geologists-luminaries for several decades. If speaking the language of statistics the subsoil of Rava- Ruska site contains about 500 million tons of oil with properties similar to that of Iran Heavy brand. Kurgan area (previously named Mikhailovskaya) according to preliminary estimates contains so called "black gold" in the amount of up to 100 million tons.

Such high-flown talk of Vadim Chernov as to hitherto unheard oil content of Rava-Ruska is based on painstaking calculations and geologist’s personal experience at a similar facility in Kurgan region of Russia. Since 1993 he had been engaged in electric prospecting which is one of the areas of geophysical prospecting for oil and gas. Vadim Chernov being a member in a group of authors developed a set of programs for oil exploration by means of measurement of high-resolution electric prospecting together with measurement of induced polarization (ВРЭ-ВП). Over 10 years of tremendous work by means of Vadim’s Chernov program it was investigated 5,000 square kilometers of fields in Western Siberia. Kurgan station was among them.
A few people know that Rava-Ruska zone and land in Kurgan Region have a continental island arc type. In case of Rava-Ruska ground this island arc was formed by dipping of Eastern-European Plate beneath Western-European one. Moreover, Rava-Ruska area is an extension of the Zagros fault line, to which in Iran and Iraq90% of oil fields are confined. This line is called Archangel-Andrusov Liniament in the Black Sea area. It also passes through Odessa region of Ukraine, Transnistria and Moldova. It is worth saying that at a production rate of 500 tons per day from each well in the area of 1000 km2 in Rava-Ruska any number of wells can be drilled. Duration of oil production at such oil fields in the world is usually more than 25 years and in most cases production which is falling by the end of this period tends to recover over time.

Vadim Chernov estimates that drilling of the first well will require approximately $ 15 million. This scrip will also include the cost of geological exploration, procurement of equipment and materials, obtaining permits, salaries of employees.
Geologist proposes to conduct a regional electric prospecting in Rava-Ruska zone by means of RALF-1 (Reflection on Actions of Lorentz Forces - 1), his proprietary software. Accuracy of RALF-1 is more than 85%. There is an analogy of such electric prospecting equipment in the world. It is called Phoenix Geophysics but it has hardware with no mathematical apparatus and software for layered determination of geologic and electric parameters related to oil bearing in geological cross-sections. In this context RALF-1 has an obvious advantage.
Differential-normalized electrical exploration method is well-known in Ukraine nowadays (ДНМЭ). In fact it is a shallow method to assess prospects for oil up to secondary features such as pyritization above deposits. Pyritization as to model of Pearson is mainly connected with so-called post of epigenetically altered rocks that reaches the top of watershed where conditions are being originated for accumulation of pyrites. No binding to depth is there but the method gives a forecast path which may not correspond to currently existing stored deposits. It is not a direct forecast in contrast to analysis of distribution of polarizability and resistance in the most fruitful reservoir as is in method used with RALF-1.
To detect oil in Rava-Ruska zone Vadim’s Chernov company offers to work off a regional profile of electric prospecting, analyze the distribution of resistivity, resistivity anisotropy, polarizability of the square and in the context, - all by means of RALF-1 complex. According to Vadim if a so called "deposit" anomaly is being found, further it will be necessary to drill a well to a depth of 6 km in the most advantageous position. In order to reduce the risks it is planned to drill a slant well. To avoid point drilling in a perspective layer a 45-60 degree angle in azimuth of regional profile of bevel is offered. For all that no vertical exploration well is needed. Having drilled such a deviated well Vadim’s team already predicts oil flow.
Vadim Chernov is open to cooperation with companies, especially those that have their own set of methods to search for oil and gas. The main thing is a common goal as follows: energy independence of Ukraine, for which according to geologist our country has a great potential.
In spring 2015, Vadim Chernov delivered a report at the Second International Conference in Lviv devoted to horizontal drilling and stimulation of hydrocarbons influx. A team of Newfolk oil and gas consulting center prepared this article using materials of the conference.